Tuesday, 31 July 2012

Tuneful Tuesdays

India post is coming up! I've been so busy since I got back I haven't felt like I've had time to do anything much! Looking for a place to live, catching up with friends and sorting out the next holiday have all been priorities.

This piece is by a Danish madmen called Langgaard, who is a modernist composer. Although a symphony it's only 5 minutes long and I was introduced to it by the BBC Proms the other night. Me and my dad saw another of his symphonies last year and really enjoyed it. This was just as excellent and featured four tubas right at the front of the stage.

The fact that the symphony is called Ixion isn't a mistake - it's named after a Greek who, after he died, was attached to a burning wheel and went round and round it for eternity. It also has much to do with Sisyphus, who had to roll a boulder up a hill and just as it reached the top, it fell down again. If you listen, you can hear that the tune is continually built up, only to come to nothing (or to be interrupted by the tubas). But don't worry if you can't hear it - the tune is pretty great anyways, regardless of any intellectual rambling!

Hope you enjoy!

Sunday, 1 July 2012


So on tuesday, I'm going to India for the very first time! It should be an amazing experience and a bit of a culture shock so I'm really looking forward to it. Since last time I've just been getting ready for it - buying clothes, travel insurance, trying to spend as little as possible (cos that's worked out...) and things.

I was also up in Warwick for the Summer Party where Noah and the Whale performed! Unfortunately I couldn't take that many photos because both mine and my boyfriend's phones died and we didn't have a camera on us (fail). Then on tuesday,  I got my degree results! I'm going to graduate with a 2.1 BA in Classics and my dissertation got my highest mark of my uni career! It also came third in my year's dissertations! I was so pleased and since then I've been enjoying life too much to blog. I was on such a life high because of that and I couldn't stop dancing around (and drinking too much champagne).

Other things that have happened this week: my sister got into uni to do nursing, a friend's 21st, new camera, playing too much Triple Town and Tiny Tower on my iPhone (seriously.addictive).

I will do a massive post when I come back from India (maybe a few) and hopefully I'll get a few outfit pics! But for the mean time, I will do a tuneful tuesday, since I've missed the last one and will miss the next few and also below is a kinda outfit post (from my friend's 21st so I may have been a bit drunk...).

So I think my last tuneful tuesday pretty much summed up my mood for the last week or so, but this time I'm gonna go to one of the first proper bands I got into when I was about 15 or 16 (yeah I was late to the party but I was brought up on 'classical' music and yeah I hate that word buuut that's a story for another time).

Red Hot Chilli Peppers, The Zephyr Song:

And, outfit pic/drunk pic:

Top - present, Skirt - present

Yes, there's an arm in the way but that's just how these things go. I'm not really a fan of fussing around editing photos (hashtagoldtech) and you can see the outfit perfectly clearly. I actually really liked this outfit, both parts are presents from my boyfriend and it was a great clubbing outfit. I generally prefer to wear separates when out, rather than dresses because I don't go out thaat much so there's no point having that many dresses for clubbing with (with which to club?). 

Anyway, I hope you all had a lovely week and I will be blogging in a couple of weeks time (if I don't get horrifically ill anyway :P). There wil also be Graduation Day photos coming. Watch this space.